My Approach

Having lived in several countries, I welcome my clients and their stories with a curious and open mind. My presence is warm and interactive.
Our sessions will feel like a dialogue— a collaborative journey in which we explore familiar and uncharted territories. As your copilot, I will bring my knowledge, skills, tools and experience into our sessions to guide you and help you reach your destination.

My approach is grounded in relational therapy, drawing from Psychodynamic and Gestalt therapy, and Attachment theory.

Essentially, attachment and psychodynamic therapy helps us gain insight into how we have learned to be in relationships when we were young. Together, we unpack and understand the mechanisms of the mental traps we fall into that direct and delimit our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviors. 
Gestalt therapy focuses on self-awareness and living in the present moment. It helps us slow down and get in touch with the emotions that go with our story and present experience.

I believe that with more awareness comes more choice and freedom to live the life we truly want.

How I can help

  • The fast-paced society we live in often forces us to disconnect from our internal experience and emotional “compass”. Yet, those elements are crucial to build balanced relationships, and research shows how vital healthy relationships are for our wellbeing. I help my clients develop their emotional compass to create and maintain a strong connection with themselves and others. 

  • Relationships are rarely linear and can be a source of profound joy and deep pain at the same time. Perhaps trust has been broken, desire has faded, or you find yourselves stuck in repetitive cycles of conflict. I help couples and CNM/poly people feel heard and seen, uncover the mechanisms of the mental traps that are fueling conflicts, and gain tools to effectively communicate their needs, desires, and boundaries. Healthy relationships are vital for our overall wellbeing, sometimes we just need help to understand and develop the skills for connection.

  • While some level of anxiety is normal and helps us stay focused, too much of it can become overwhelming and prevent us from enjoying our day-to-day life. I support people who feel that constant worry and unease with uncertainties about the future that makes it hard to relax. 

  • I support people who might be experiencing a deep sense of emptiness and lack of meaning that sticks around and affects their energy, mood and relationships. I help clients relieve some of the burden, and understand the underlying cause of their suffering. 

  • I help my clients see their strengths and overcome the voice that makes them second-guess themselves and tells them that they are not good enough. 

  • Becoming a parent, moving, changing career or the end of a relationship can be incredibly unsettling and leave us confused and on edge. I support clients in honoring both the grief and growth of change, helping them explore and embrace their evolving identities.

  • I’m passionate about supporting those who have made the big leap of leaving their homeland and who come from multicultural and international backgrounds. Living in a foreign culture can be exciting but also overwhelming, confusing, and sometimes extremely isolating! Difficulties include language barrier, major life decisions about career and family, adjusting to the American culture, and missing home… 
    I offer therapy in French for francophones who feel more comfortable in their native language and are looking for a therapist who understands their culture.